Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"I look up. And His voice is so much louder than satan’s. 'I have entrusted you with much and I have demanded of you much. But only with me will your life bear much. So run. Run and run and run into my arms. Run. Run and run and run into this world sharing this story that has Me at the center. This making of disciples, it is my business. And I am with you always and my burden is light. I spill through your brokenness and I will be glorified. I promise. I will be glorified.' And that is all I want."

Thankful God knows what I need to hear. When I need to hear it.
Via this inspiring sister in Christ.

Running because I have been entrusted with much.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't be afraid...risk the ocean

My prayer for you and me today:

"Sometimes every one of us fears
Like we’ll never be healed
Sometimes every one of us aches
Like we’ll never be saved

When we’ve given up
Let your healing come
When there's nothing left
Let your healing come
Til were risin' up
Let your healing come
Where You go we will follow
Where You go we will follow

It’s Your love that we adore
It’s like a sea without a shore
We’re lost in You, Were lost in You
It’s Your love that we adore
It’s like a sea without a shore
We’re lost in You, We're lost in You

Sometimes it’s like we never loved home
For all the love we know
Sometimes like in a smile of a song
When you feel it come
Then that feelings gone
It flies

Its your love we adore
Its like a sea without a shore
Don’t be afraid, Don’t be afraid

Just set your sail and risk the ocean
Show me grace
Let’s risk the ocean

Where you go we will follow
I’m on my knees
Where you go we will follow
Oh God send me
Where you go we will follow
I’m on my knees
Where you go we will follow
Oh God send me

Where you go we will follow
I’m on my knees
Where you go we will follow
Oh God send me"

-David Crowder Band

Listen here

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oh Happy Day

What a morning!!

A late July trip to Haiti is in the works (prayers please, updates coming).


It's official, Danielle and Wes are parents to Amyia & Malakai.
Tears of joy for their new family!!!

Sometimes when God moves, He moves swiftly and gracefully!!! Praise Him, through whom ALL blessings flow!!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So...how was Haiti?

Friends & family,

I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying summer. It’s hard to believe that the mid point of the season is just around the corner, hoping you all have a great 4th of July!

I have been home from Haiti for just over a week now. As you might have guessed, my third trip was just as wonderful as the previous. Sometimes in life you’re graced with this incredible moment when unreal circumstances, suddenly become tangible. Being in a place like Haiti can often feel like you’re watching a movie from afar, but for me it doesn't any longer, being in Haiti just feels like home. There’s always a newness, something God is showing me, but I feel like I am truly present in each moment. For me, this trip stands out as the first time I have been able to return to a place where I felt true investment. While my second trip was incredibly meaningful, I still traveled to a new place in Haiti, however, this summer I was able to return to Bohoc. There is something really special about returning to a place you have served before, you know the people and you have played with the children. I experienced quit a few special moments as well as new experiences!

While in Bohoc, our team of 23 singles leaders had four projects: painting dormitories at the Haitian American Friendship Foundation (HAFF), weighing & providing nutrition to malnourished children, construction on a local church, and working with children in local orphanages and the community. Before we left for Bohoc though, we spent our first evening at an orphanage in Port au Prince. New Life Orphanage is run by Americans and is a garden of Eden in the middle of hectic PAP. We couldn't have asked for a better start for the week! We left for Bohoc Saturday morning and just as in December, the 90 mile trek took close to 8 hours. We arrived at the guest house and I was assigned the same room I called home six months ago! On Sunday we attended church in Bohoc, a new and special experience for me. We spent the afternoon at a local orphanage giving out as much love as we could. For the rest of the week we spent our mornings on the projects at HAFF and working on Pastor George's church. After lunch we spent our afternoons working with children. One very special moment came for me on Monday afternoon, you can read more about that special day on our team blog here.

To be honest, I am still trying to process everything. I'm getting into the grove of life in America. It's funny (especially for this only child) how quickly you get used to waking up with 23 family members, all enjoying quiet time with the Lord and then meeting for breakfast. Nights filled with ethnic dinners, family worship and card games follow days of hard work and hard play. There's a quote we learned on our trip, 'Haiti will break your heart and never give you back all the pieces." Each time I go to Haiti, I give away a few pieces of my heart, to my "Haiti family" and to the Haitian people. I can't get those pieces back and I wouldn't want them anyway.

The question you all really want to know is, "How was Haiti?" Lately, I answer with "incredible" and then, if you're lucky, I give a rundown of our projects. Here's what really happened in my heart though; God broke me. I felt the beautiful burden of being called to a broken country. Our gracious Lord filled my heart with joy and wonder that He would call messy and imperfect me to Haiti. Haiti, a nation that is broken but resilient, dark but fighting for joy. I get to give my heart, time and energy to this incredible place.

So, how was Haiti? Well, we did a lot of work. We built a lot of relationships. We played with the most wonderful kids. We created a family. We had our hearts broken. We had our lives changed. We felt God move. We had the privilege of seeing the future of Haiti in the youth. While I'm still processing it all, I can leave you with this though: there is a bright future for Haiti. They have not lost hope and you shouldn't either. Hope for Haiti. Pray for Haiti.

Thank you again for being part of my journey. Your support and partnership was continuously felt.


My precious Ensesca girl, who you'll hear plenty more about!

Eloch, the best driver in ALL of Haiti

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

my heart hurts

I. Miss. Haiti.

Remembering that God's timing is perfect. Even when my heart aches.

Monday, June 27, 2011

unexpected mercies

Today these two incredible people left on a big journey.

Danielle and Wes were my gracious hosts one lovely summer when I worked for student life. Danielle and I don't keep up as much as we'd like- but my love for her runs deep.
I learned more from Danielle and Wes than they'll ever know.

Today, they started the journey to Uganda. This is another step in the process to bring home their twins!
I am so happy for this soon to be family of 4.
I think I'll ask to move back in and live across the hall from their bouncy toddlers!
Babysitter? Done.

That sound good D & W...?

Please pray for the Sullivan's. They should be in Uganda 3-4 weeks, with their first court date scheduled for July 1st.
Here are their other prayer requests:
"We would appreciate your prayers for:
1. For us to be able to get both court dates before courts close on July 15
2. Please pray for the judge and his family. Pray for wisdom, guidance and discernment as he has big decisions to make!
3. Please pray that we will bond with our children quickly
4. Please pray for our Lawyer and the social worker caring for our children
5. Please pray for our hearts to be prepared for all God shows us and puts before us"

Can't wait to hear what God does!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

living bent low

Want to be inspired?

Wondering how God could ever make it all work?
Meet Katie.
Read her blog.

The tears will flow.
The hope will overflow.

Like Katie, I am
"Praying for you as you bend today for whoever is in front of you. He will meet you there."

Friday, June 24, 2011

I don't want the peices back...

I don't know what has gotten into my lately, but clearly I needed a blog break.

I'm back. Ready to process my thoughts on this semi public forum (which I'm not convinced anyone actually reads). I'm ready to write about love and hope and Haiti.

I've been home from Haiti for a week now.
Away from the muddy roads, big smiles and questionable smells.
Haiti was different this time. It really felt like home. Being in Haiti doesn't feel like I'm watching a movie, it just feels normal.
So many things happened last week.
Doors were opened. My heart was so full.

I've process some now and one particular thing thing is clear.
I am honored.
I am honored that God would call messy and imperfect me to Haiti.
Our last full day in Bohoc, in the middle of a team prayer I lost it.
I mean blubbering tears. Couldn't stop it if I wanted to.
I just let the tears flow. Let Jesus do His work.
To be honest, at the time I wasn't entirely sure why I was so emotional. I knew I was tired and I knew I was sad to leave. I didn't realize until I got home that the combination of sorrow and joy was the product of a girl who feels completely unworthy being told that God does not send the equipped but He equips the sent.

We were given this quote before we left Bohoc,
"Haiti will break your heart and never give you back all the pieces."
True and beautiful words.
Haiti has many pieces of my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'll go back home for them soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Meet the Family

I'll be back soon!
Until then...
Follow our Haiti team, ahem, I mean, family blog here!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

once upon a time...

I stopped blogging. Oppss. Sorry.

Happy Happy Easter!!!!
The grave has been defeated and our Savior LIVES!

Now...I have no excuse for this absence.
I can try and make up for it though. Let's catch up!

I went to Dallas. I did some really wonderful things, with some really wonderful people.

Like riding Pacos Bill.
I also made a visit to Cowboys stadium.

And took in a Rangers game.

I was home for a more important game though. My Atlanta's Braves home opener.

I turned 24.

Celebrated all 6 of our small groups Spring birthdays.
Saw my oldest childhood friend get married (our dad's our best friends, collective "awe").
Throw in a few other fun things and there you have it!
We're nearing the end of April, clearly my favorite month of the year, and Spring is in full swing!

Summer is just around the corner and we have just 5 weeks left in the school year. Then, in 7 weeks, I head back to Haiti!!! Find out more here!

Until next time,

Friday, April 1, 2011

everything's bigger...

My bags are packed and I'm flyin' to the great state of Texas ya'll!!
Happy Spring break!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

green light

One of those smart people I mentioned in this post, sent me a link to another blog...
and it all started making sense.
This post did the trick.

I find myself in the midst of a quarter life crisis. I have no idea what I am supposed to do with my life.

What about Haiti...?
This is a question I'm asking myself and the Lord everyday.
Where's my plane ticket?
Send me.
Then I realized...
I don't have that green light.
I certainly have the CALL. God has clearly called me to Haiti. I am going.
I'm not going now. I might be going in a year. I might be going in 8 years.
The Lord knows I want to go NOW but I'm not ready.
I hate to admit it but it's true. There is some work I have to do.

Part of the reason I can't tell people what I see myself doing in Haiti is because I don't know what I see myself doing in America. God will show me. He'll mold me like clay. I'll become the woman He's made me to be. To be that woman, I have a lot to work on. I need to love unconditionally and let myself be loved deeper. I need to depend on the Lord fully. I need to be on my knees more. I need to trust. I need to confess. I need to learn. I need to serve selflessly.

What does this mean?
I'm going to do all of the things I've been doing since January. Taking the classes I should, reading helpful books, looking for a sending organization, talking to smart people. I don't know when the yellow light will turn green...but I'll be ready.

“God gives us a vision, and then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of that vision. God has to take us into the valley and put us through fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the point where He can trust us with the reality of the vision. Ever since God gave us the vision, He has been at work. He is getting us into the shape of the goal He has for us, and yet over and over again we try to escape from the Sculptor’s hand in an effort to batter ourselves into the shape of our own goal. Then as surely as God is God, and you are you, you will turn out as an exact likeness of the vision. But don’t lose heart in the process. If you have ever had a vision from God, you may try as you will to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never allow it.”
Oswald Chambers

Sunday, March 27, 2011

13.1 miles later...

Happy Sunday friends! What a week it was.
I got real stressed mid week. I took a day off to get life in order. Best decision I've made in ages.
But, let's go back to last weekend.

This sweet friend got married. My walk with Christ and my Samford experience wouldn't have been the same without her. More of a blessing than she'll ever know. Plus, who doesn't love a father-daughter line dance?!

After carb loading at the Snyder-Fowler wedding, I woke up at 4am on Sunday to go for a run.
A 13.1 mile run.
Loved it (really, I did). There is something to be said for adrenaline. and runners high.
When's the next race?

Such an accomplishment that I couldn't have done without the support of so many sweet friends! Thank you!!!

It's one more work week and then spring break for me. I'm packing my bags and headin' to Dallas, Texas. My cowboy boots are ready and waiting!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

the stacks

(Photo via)

I'm here. I survived the half marathon. However, I'm currently immersed in educational and child development theories. After my teaching test Saturday afternoon I'll write a proper post.
Until then, it's back to the books.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Photo Courtesy of VintageStitch

It's here. Spring. Warmth. Sunshine. Spring will officially be sprung on March 20th. Today's high temperature in our sweet southern city is 80 degrees though, so I'm calling it.

It's time friends. For porch swings and sweet tea. Peaches and raspberries. Picnics. Lightning bugs in mason jars. Beach trips. Dinner on the porch. Sundresses, sandals, and sunglasses. Fresh flowers.

I'll be ringing in Spring two ways this weekend. First on Saturday with a wedding. Love is in the air after all. Second on Sunday, with a half marathon.

13.1 miles...

You've met your match.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

so you think you wanna ______?

I knew this would happen. Knew it.
That aside, it's still kind of blindsiding me.

Tell people you're thinking you want to do long term mission work. They'll mostly tell you that maybe you don't.
It's never mean. It's usually indirect.
These are smart (Godly) people. They know better than you. They are trying to help.
After similar conversations with several smart people though, it wears you down.

The hoops you have to jump through are unbelievable.
I am exhausted already. And I just started.
I'm not even going yet. There is nowhere to go. Nothing to do (unbelievable).

Which brings up my next subject.
Being asked what you want to do in this ravaged 3rd World country.
What can you offer? What do you see yourself doing in Haiti?

Well heck if I know.
I want to HELP.
Let me tell you the skills I have then you (who are smarter than I) can help me figure out where to go.
That's they way I would do it.
It's not the way they do it.

I get it. It's the process. It's self discovery. It's a journey God has put me on.
He never said it would be easy.
So it's hard.
and at this moment I am fed up.
I'll get over it.
I still trust the people who are smarter than I am. I am grateful for each one of them in my life. This wild goose chase has led me to great places...albeit difficult places.
It's one email after another.
Nice emails. Nice people.
God is moving.
This is new though. I've never felt God move like this. It's so different.

All that matters right now though is that God is moving.
I'm going to move with Him.
Even when I have to be pushed.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm learning.
Specifically, I am learning how to let myself be loved.
How to be valued by another person.

I love others deeply. I value other people with everything in me. I love community.

I don't see value in myself. This essentially means that I don't see value in God's creation.

I have taken for granted the people who genuinely value having me in their life. I'm having a hard time believing that statement is true.

I didn't realize until recently that this is a serious struggle for me. A couple specific situations opened my eyes to how I see myself.

I see myself as a tool to be used. I like it this way. I like getting things done.
I don't view myself as an asset.

God doesn't create tools. He can do this job on His own. He creates souls who are assets to His kingdom. He shapes us and puts value in us.

I am valuable.
People want to love me.

You are valuable.
People want to love you.

It's a hard pill to swallow.
It feels weird {even egotistical}.
I'm working on it.
Maybe we all should.

Let people LOVE you.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My kind of mani/pedi.

Ensesca is seasoned at this pampering thing.

Miss this little diva.

Have you ever missed someone or somewhere so much that you can literally feel it? I miss Haiti today. I miss it from the tip of my head to the bottom of my toes. I feel it in my bones and in my heart. I miss the heat, the bright smiles, the language, the food, the dirt roads, even the smells. I miss it all.
I miss feeling God the way I felt Him in Haiti.

It's just one of those days.