Friday, October 26, 2012

Latest News

I've been home from MTI for two weeks now and I am slowly but surely adjusting to my new normal. In all my prep time for Haiti I had not thought much beyond MTI, so this is completely uncharted territory. I am most thankful for a grace filled God as I navigate this very unique season. He has blessed my time at home, despite some kicking and screaming on my part.

I am still working with HAFF to determine a departure date, but everything is moving in a positive direction. My funding is very close and I am confident God will provide the rest. Please pray for clear eyes and heads as we do the math and make the wisest choices.

I have exciting news about my family. Many of you know my dad has had back problems for a few months now. It's been a difficult season for my family with my dad in so much pain and my mom working hard to get everything done. As of yesterday, we finally have a surgery date. Praise the Lord!! Once my dad has surgery, his back will feel so much better. His surgery is scheduled for November 16th. The hospital has a history of changing dates, so please pray the only way this date changes is if it is sooner! I am thrilled for my dad. After a few weeks of recovery he can begin to get back to his normal self and my family can settle back into former routines.

God has given me a chance to be there for my family and I see His timing so clearly. With this surgery date, some of my plans could shift. These shifts are slight in the grand scheme of my time in Haiti, likely just a week or two difference, but in my heart it feels like an eternity. Making the wisest choice for myself, my family, my HAFF family and God's glory is my priority. Pray for clear vision and an open heart as God moves me in His direction.

As always, thank you for continued support and love.

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