Friday, February 10, 2012


I wasn't sure I would be here. I certainly was not sure I would hold these things in my hand. A missionary candidate letter. A missionary prayer card. For myself. After months of questions, I have some answers. This time last year, being here felt like a dream, most days it still does. 

I am going to Haiti.  Not just for a week. I am going to Haiti for a year. Maybe more. By the grace of God alone, I have landed exactly where He planned. I am humbled to be His servant in a place I love so dearly. I will get to call Haiti home in a few short months. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.

Many of you know that my journey to Haiti began in June of 2010 when I went to Port-au-Prince for earthquake relief. The Lord led me back to Haiti in December of 2010, which is when I knew He was calling me to more. My December visit and the following two trips, were to Bohoc, Haiti, a small village located in the Central Plateau, between the larger cities of Hinche and Pignon. In Bohoc, I found the Haitian American Friendship Foundation (HAFF), which partners among the Haitians of the Central Plateau of Haiti through academic, vocational and theological education. It is my hope and prayer that in October of this year, after a missionary training program in Colorado, I will move to Haiti and begin work with HAFF.

I am so thankful to have found a ministry like HAFF. The organization was established in the early 1980’s with a secondary school for the area. Today HAFF has grown to include work in Christ-centered academic and community education, human development, and medical mercy ministries. In my visits to HAFF, I have been able to partner in several of these areas. Jesus is alive in the work of HAFF and His presence is so strong in Bohoc.

My roles at HAFF will vary. I hope to work with a Haitian teacher to teach English to the students at HAFF‘s secondary school. I am excited to partner with that teacher to ensure that students get the best instruction on English pronunciation and grammar. Giving young Haitians the gift of English as a second language is enormously advantageous for their futures and the future of their beautiful country. I will also help the ministry with social networking, aiding their growth. In addition, I hope to fuse my passion for working with young children with HAFF‘s mission.
It is my prayer that the Lord uses me in Haiti to burn brightly for Him. Haiti needs a love and a hope that only Jesus can provide. I am awed and humbled that I get to love on these incredible people, “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. I have so many amazing prayer warriors and supporters in my life. This is where I will share with you the story God is writing. In the months to come there are so many things that need to fall into place, but we serve a God of details. He will light a path and show me the way and I will graciously take each step. Thank you for walking with me.

I am taking the next step in this journey knowing that we serve a God who loves us and who is writing His story, He will tell it perfectly.

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